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Benjamin Garcia Saxe has recently completed the Containers of Hope project with a budget of $40,000.

Located in San Jose, Costa Rica this container house is the result of a close collaboration between the architect and his clients, who went on to construct the building themselves.

The 1,000 square foot home is composed of two 40-foot used shipping containers set together with a raised mid section and clerestory windows.

More shipping container houses here

Containers of Hope by Benjamin Garcia Saxe Architecture:

“Gabriela Calvo and Marco Peralta dreamed of living in their fantastic property 20 minutes outside of the city of San Jose, Costa Rica; where they could be with their horses and enjoy the natural landscape. They made the very bold choice of exploring with me the possibility of creating a very inexpensive house made out of disregarded shipping containers that allowed them to be debt free and live the life they always dreamed of.

It was important for me to provide them with the sunrise, the sunset, the spectacular views, and overall try and create a feeling of comfort and home. A roof between the two containers, made from the scrap pieces of metal taken to make the windows, not only creates an internal sensation of openness but also provides a cross ventilation which is surprisingly sufficient enough to never have to turn the air conditioning on.

The final cost of the house ($40,000) is lower than the cost of social housing provided for the poor in Costa Rica. Perhaps this project begins to expose the importance of design as a tool to provide beauty and comfort with a very low budget in the 21st century, whilst using creativity to not only redefine a scrap material such a disused shipping container, but perhaps to even show that there are viable, low cost, passive alternatives of temperature control to adapt to a very intense tropical climate.”

Already this proposal has began to spark a great deal of interest and could become one alternative to solve the issue of disposing of disregarded shipping containers in developing countries, as well as begin to solve the large gap which first time buyers encounter when purchasing a home.”

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이름이 어려운것 같네요

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저는 이케아 회원이 아니어서 9900원에 구매했는데요

회원이신분들은 6900원에 구매하실 수 있는 것 같네요~
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잘 서있네요ㅎㅎ

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다른색상이 궁금하신 분들을위해
한장 더 올려드릴게요~

이케아 회원가입 : http://www.ikea.com/ms/ko_KR/ikea_family/index2.html

(이케아 홈페이지 우측상단 IKEA FAMILY로 접속하시면 가능합니다. 링크남겨놓을게요 바로 접속하시면 됩니다.)

주차요금은 원칙적으로 2만원이상 구매시 3시간 무료 (10분에 300원) 라고 적혀있는데, 제가 방문했을 때는 주차요금을 따로 받지 않고 정산소에 사람이 없었어요~


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2014년 샌프란시스코에 지어진 건축가 José Schreiber의 컨테이너 하우스

Container House by José Schreiber Arquitecto:

“Everyday life moves us at a vertiginous rhythm. Starting with the choice of neighborhood, located on the outskirts of San Francisco, continuing with the acquisition of the lot and finally defined in the project, the container house aims to be a place of rest away from the center, characterized by the environmental quality of their context. The versatility of its spaces accompanying changes in contemporary lifestyles and family composition.

This work is the result of a search for technical, aesthetic and functional innovation. Its morphology is composed of two metal boxes placed in “L”, ordering the ground floor containing all services (Main entrance, kitchen and pantry in a container. Laundry, bath, fireplace, workshop and warehouse in another).

Public life takes place in the gap between two boxes: barbecue, garage and living room. Above, o the second floor, the unifying element of the set is located:A large volume of traditional solid construction that weighs on the containers, sheltering inside the private area of bedroom and bathroom.

The project is characterized by looking at three basic premises: technological innovation, speed and simplification of construction materials.

The sea containers were in response to the original design of the house, which sought to use elements originally designed for another function, recycling them to face a new challenge. Its interiors are fitted with polyurethane foam, the ceilings are painted with latex, vertical walls are lined with plasterboard, hiding installations. The floors are of smooth cement, accompanying the spatial continuity of the house.

Outside, the house is closed by a blind facade to preserve and protect the privacy of the most pernicious orientations (South and West). The openings located towards the street were performed using steel sheet extracted from the containers, the gateway is the best example. Inside, its rooms are really open to the courtyard, enjoying the best conditions for these latitudes (North and East), maximizing natural lighting and ventilation throughout the day. The windows are of high performance aluminum, double glazed sealed for proper habitability.”

출처 http://www.homedsgn.com/2015/07/11/container-house-by-jose-schreiber-arquitecto/

José Schreiber Facebook https://www.facebook.com/jose.schreiberarquitecto


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